2013-09-13 11:49:57 江苏教师招聘考试 来源:高校就业联盟
实验室简介: 本实验室成立于2012年6月,致力于医学影像处理与分析算法、成像设备方面的前沿研究、临床应用及推广。经过一年多的时间现已取得快速的发展:实验室人员方面现包含一名特聘教授,一名讲座教授(爱荷华大学终身教授),多名副教授、讲师,以及多名研究生。教师平均年龄不到35岁,可以说是一支年富力强,具有很强潜力和可塑性的队伍。实验室经费方面现拥有充足的科研经费,在研/立项项目包括:科技部973项目(青年项目,首席),自然科学基金委项目,中组部青年千人项目等。实验室核心研究方向包含以下:(1)多模态医学影像处理与分析,(2)基于OCT技术的视网膜疾病分析与检测,(3)视网膜成像设备研究(OCT,Fundus等)。
Faculty Positions Opening in Medical Image Processing, Analysis, & Visualization Lab, Soochow University
Multiple faculty positions in the medical imaging field at Assistant Professor or Associate Professor Level are available in Medical Image Processing, Analysis, & Visualization Lab, Soochow University, Suzhou, China.
We are seeking qualified candidates with a strong background in Medical imaging, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition as well as computer programming skills. Research areas include medical image segmentation, medical imaging based tumor growth prediction, 3D retinal OCT image analysis and image visualization. Qualified candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in computer engineering, physics, biomedical engineering, or a related discipline with a proven record of peer-reviewed publications.
Competitive relocation and salary packages with an apartment/condo rental allowance and other fringe benefits will be provided. Suzhou is one of the most livable cities with deep culture heritage and glaringly modern flavor in the world.
Interested individuals should send a cover letter, a CV, a summary of accomplishments, future research plans, and a list of at least three references to Xinjian Chen, Soochow University, email: xjchen@suda.edu.cn, No.1 Shizi Street, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Soochow University, Jiangsu 215006, China.